
More Prebuilt Components and Connect UI Localization



The CreateDirectListingButton makes it easy to list an NFT on your thirdweb Marketplace contract. Pair it with the BuyDirectListingButton and you can build an entire Marketplace UI in seconds.

import { CreateDirectListingButton } from "thirdweb/react";
contractAddress="0x..." // contract address for the marketplace-v3
chain={...} // the chain which the marketplace contract is deployed on
// These props below are the same props for `createListing`
// to get the full list, check the docs link above
assetContractAddress="0x..." // The NFT contract address whose NFT(s) you want to sell
pricePerToken={"0.1"} // sell for 0.1 <native token>
Sell NFT

German, Korean, and French Localization

We've added more language options to our built-in Connect UI localization. Just specify the language identifier on whatever component you're using.

import { ConnectEmbed } from "react";
<ConnectEmbed client={client} locale="ja_JP" />;

Bug Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Fixed an issue with ethers5adapter transaction result nonces
  • Improved error messages when connection management hooks are used outside ThirdwebProvider
  • Fixed autoConnect for wallets that are connected from the "All wallets" screen
  • Temporarily disabled login via the CLI
  • Fixed an issue with OTP validation in React Native Connect UI
  • Added Handling for gas free chains where baseFeePerGas is 0
  • Fixed occasional iFrame error when logging in with OAuth